Navy Yellow Chevron

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First steps and first kiss

Well, its happened!  Caleb is just about 14 months old, and on Sunday he officially took his first steps, totally free from any extra hands assisting him.  He was sort of cranky this night and not too excited to do so, but he is usually thrilled when he stands and balances on his own.  So glad it happened when daddy was home to see it!

Since Sunday Caleb is testing the waters more and more, letting go of the ottoman to take a couple of steps, and a few more going short distances from one person to the next...  Although it may mean mommy having to soon chase after him, it is a welcome achievement, as our 27 lb. toddler is getting harder and harder to tote along with this growing belly of mine!

...And about the first kiss... Don't actually have a picture of this, but just have to share the cute story.  Several of us got together and Tim and Caprice's on Friday night for pizza.  Sarah's little girl, Kendall (an OLDER girl... she's almost 2) and Caleb were sitting on the floor playing, and for no apparent reason, they both leaned in and gave each other a kiss!  I thought that Jimmy kissing girls at age 5 was young, so we'd better watch out for this little guy...!

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